A patient asked me how she should feel after an acupuncture session. As I treat many patients with fertility issues this is not such an odd question - other than a so far frustrated desire to fall pregnant they think they feel fine. In fact if you delve a little deeper there is often a lot more going on. It's the same for most of us - until we feel noticeably unwell or unhappy, it is amazing what we learn to live with or accommodate.
At its best, acupuncture makes you feel like you are the very best, 2.0 version of yourself. To feel truly right in yourself is all too rare for many of us. But if you are firing on all cylinders, then no matter what life throws at you, not matter what obstacles appear, you know you will be ok. That you are metaphorically cruising life's highways with the roof down and the wind in your hair, enjoying the ride. And who wouldn't choose that?
Claire DabreoPassionate about the pins. Archives
March 2024
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