Pre-birth acupuncture, breech babies and inductions.
Pre-birth acupuncture, undertaken from 36 weeks, is a series of weekly treatments focused on promoting a natural, efficient labour by using a set of points that help prepare a woman's body for birth, with an emphasis on affecting the cervix and pelvis and promoting the optimal position of the baby. I offer a pre-birth package. You can purchase this online here. Moxibustion to help turn breech babies is another technique that is quite widely known and should be done as near 34 weeks as possible. After 36 weeks, in my clinical practice I have found that also scheduling a treatment with a specialist osteopath or chiropractor offers the best chance of turning the baby and encouraging it into an optimal position. I am able to offer this treatment virtually if an in-clinic appointment isn't possible. If spontaneous labour isn’t achieved and a medical induction is scheduled then ‘induction’ treatments can be offered, with self-administered acupressure then used prior to hospital admittance. Whilst spontaneous labour isn’t always achieved, a more efficient labour with no further intervention is a reported benefit. Mother Roasting: a postpartum power upMother roasting, also known as mother warming, is a traditional post partum treatment to restore, nourish and energise the new mother. Gentle and safe to self-administer at home, I have created a beautifully packaged gift box containing everything you need for this wonderful treatment. More here.
For those clients in South London looking for additional support through the birth itself I also offer my service as a birth doula. This can feel like a very natural extension of the work we have already done in terms of preparing for pregnancy, throughout the pregnancy or during the pre-birth treatments and it can look however you (and your birth partner if you have one) would like it to. In addition to the pre-birth acupuncture sessions, we schedule in additional sessions to discuss your birth plans in greater depth, as well as a session with your designated birth partner to get to know each other and also to share acupressure and other techniques to use during labour itself. I also offer post-partum care. Acupuncture and acupressure techniques can be invaluable during labour, helping not just with pain management but also with optimal positioning of the baby, aiding cervical dilation, increasing efficiency of contractions, maintaining progression of labour, and relieving anxiety or fatigue. As well as my specialist acupuncture training and doula training I have attended workshops with Spinning Babies and provide educated and practical advice on preparing for labour and the post partum period, as well as hands-on support for facilitating as easeful a birth as possible. Essential Oils I am trained to work safely with essential oils throughout pregnancy and birth choosing oils with specific therapeutic benefits to ease, calm, soothe and heal or creating blends that are as unique as the women I work with. My Professional Network My professional network encompasses osteopaths, chiropractors, hypnobirthing teachers, therapists, massage therapists and lactation consultants, so whatever comes up, or whatever additional support is needed, we can access it. |
"I am passionate about helping women enjoy a happy, healthy pregnancy and the best delivery possible for them. Having attended workshops with Spinning Babies to further my understanding of the physiology of giving birth, I provide educated advice on preparing for labour. I also work with a handpicked, self-tested team of practitioners and experts who can help my clients prepare physically, mentally and emotionally if that is necessary. |